Dr. Emmet Mallon

Psychotherapist and researcher

My Practice



Psychoanalysis is a talking therapy. I invite you to speak freely in a non-judgmental space. From here you can begin to understand something of your suffering, its cause and how it functions for you.


I am guided by the principle that each person is particular and that One’s way of suffering in the world is uniquely coloured by our subjectivity. 



Counselling differs from psychotherapy in duration and is most often short term and focusing on current difficulties. A longer term Psychotherapy or Psychoanalysis may follow on from this.


My PhD was a uniquely Irish investigation of psychopathy using psychoanalytic discourse analysis. 


Clinical supervision is offered to mental health professionals working in both organisations or private practice.


You may be concerned for a loved one. Should you need to discuss how someone else’s mental ill-health is impacting on your life I can offer my expertise.

About Me

As a compassionate and empathetic psychotherapist (Irish Council for Psychotherapy accredited) I work from a psychoanalytic orientation in Dublin city. I’ve worked in the university sector as a psychological counsellor and as an adjunct lecturer on psychotherapy postgraduate courses. I’ve presented at academic conferences and seminars and with over fifteen years experience in psychoanalytic research and practice I am uniquely skilled in these fields.

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